Trinity Horsemanship Foundation

Our Mission
At Trinity Horsemanship Foundation we will bring horsemanship to all willing students in the Central Illinois area. With doors open to all riding disciplines and handicap/therapeutic riding students of all ages, we will do this through ground work and riding horses. We strive to increase our clients' quality of life, their self-respect, their self-confidence and their self-reliance as well as to strengthen their body, mind and spirit.
Who We Serve
Able-bodied adults and children, clients with Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, PTSD, ADD-ADHD, Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis, as well as other physical and emotional impairments.
What We Do
Programs include: private, group and therapy lessons for English and Western disciplines. We teach our clients horsemanship by teaching them how to communicate with the horse. When we teach our clients how to use specific signals and body language, it helps form a bond between horse and client that results in respect and understanding. We stress learning about, caring for, working with, training, and riding horses in a way that is appropriate not just for the rider but also for the horse. Success results in a range of improved cognitive, social, and coping skills and, ultimately, in a healing of the body and the mind.